…‘same as the old Boss. Probably the year's most infamous presidential run,
Monday, April 23, 2007
Meet the New Boss
Friday, April 13, 2007
The Fright to Vote
It’s a manic frenzy that’s gripping our global village in a spit-spewing seizure, from the Americas to Africa, via Europe. Once again the power to arrogate power is in the hands of society’s dregs, and politicians are bending over backwards to blend in with the populace and elicit as much ‘grass-roots’ support they can squeeze out of the sordid bunch, God bless them, rifling deep into their wardrobes for their faded jeans trousers, lumberjack shirts, and dog-bitten baseball caps. Doubtless, some in America (and Australia perhaps, don’t know diddly about the state of oral hygiene Down Under) have had repeated dentist appointments to make their most winsome of smiles sparkle like diamante, adding orthodontic P.A.s to their campaign entourage just in case, not forgetting coiffure specialists, couture impresarios and the ever-indispensable speech smiths. There are high hopes this year in these countries, talk about women and black men on the verge of seizing top office, and smothered snarls and snaps between opponents in the naked bid to blemish reputations, from their choice of running mates to their choice of underwear. All’s fair in love and politics.
Formerly preoccupied with felonies from petty crime, burglary to armed robbery, these deviant hoodlums are now enlisted to brandish their machetes and semi-automatics for a better cause, the push for the absolute, all-corrupting power. They commence their murderous itinerary tomorrow with lower-tier elections, which should involve inspiring the fear of God in voters, especially rival party supporters, stealing and making away with ballot boxes, as well as general rabble-rousing at polling stations far removed from the prying eyes of international observers, y’know, the standard stuff. Of course, they could go ‘covert’ and serial-vote, but that’s old-school, and word on the street is the rigging’s now done in secluded 5-star hotel-rooms weeks earlier. And if you can’t read between the lines, it means the elections’ have already been undertaken by the ‘powers-that-be’ (which isn’t necessarily the government). The winners have already been predetermined; tomorrow and subsequent voting days are whitewash. I may even venture saying that apart from June 12, 1993, no real elections have ever taken place in this country, never mind a census.
So while unsuspecting law-abiding citizens and politicians alike act out the charade, a swarm of hired malefactors are unleashed to antagonize and terrorize with abandon. Indeed, these fastidious rascals have already begun, with reports from a Northern state of buses waylaid by cutlass-wielding youths to demand which way the party allegiances of their passengers leaned. Ah, the sweet air of democratic carte-blanche…
P.S: Since the posting of this article, the Supreme Court ruled on the 16th to overrule the disqualification of Mr. 'Tiku'. There may yet be a silver lining amidst all this bedevilment, eh?