Monday, July 24, 2006

On Tenterhooks and Threshholds...

A lot's happened since my last posting. I successfully defended my undergrad project on the 23rd of June, completed 3 essay entries (flexin' those atrophied writer muscles, y'all), and was gifted by a dear family friend with every photo geek's dream - a 5.0 megapix Olympus!
A bit reflective of the scenario in my country as well; everything's spinning in a dizzy flux - for the better, I hope. We've got political activity peaking at seismic proportions 'cos of the elections coming up next year, and the ethnic squabble's agog with several groups decrying marginalization and seeking the top office of President. I hate to say, "Meet the new boss, same as the old...", but the prospect of true change is one thing you don't want to hold your breath for in Nigeria. An interesting development in the North, though: 'seems the youth are breaking from the norm of supporting the political godfathers after all. Twice this month, they prevented the Convention of Northern Governors from conferring, with the protest for power shift to the South come 2007, stating their deep disgruntlement with the performance of their gaffers thus far...
I wonder, though, what with all the hullabaloo over the need for AIDS to be decimated from the sub-continent, why noone has harried the Nigerian government to release the report on the baby who got infected with the virus at LUTH via tainted samples from the ir blood bank? That a choke was applied by government implies a vested interest on the part of certain officials - or does it...? Later.


JAY said...

Ethnic complexities loom large here too.. however i feel in ur case it becomes all the more grotesque.

... Stay away from politics..(paradoxical statement).. but yeh.

JAY said...

and i didnt tell u tho.. i myself faught elections in college (bloody double standards :P) ...

and u shd check out my Jay's oeuvre one that is the serious one i have .. and jay's greeenhorns is the one where i make my own cartoon strips (been idle). .. ciao .. ttyl.