As the World celebrates Global Day of Darfur, it is poignant to note that the UN today is poised on the caprice of circumstances the United States of America found itself on the days preceding March 20, 2003 - the slippery slope of justifying the invasion of a hostile country, a member nation, no less. While the US cited WMD, the UN, should it decide to approve an armed incursion, will be pointing to the 200,000 death toll of Darfur's helpless. With 20-20 hindsight, the US must be ruing now why they didn’t rope in the 5,000 Kurdish victims of Saddam’s chemical experiment as probable cause. ‘Would’ve sufficed, eh? ...Not that the UN won’t be in a bit of a pickle itself if the Darfur aftermath fairs no better than post-Gulf War II. Heads up, people. The sh*t's about to hit the fan!
P.S.: Jay-jay and SooS, you guys rock! Keep those comments coming, y'hear?
1 comment:
ha ha ha ... no need for that pep talk .. i will still keep commenting. Yeah so much harping on strategy .. which are actually ill conceived if u r not analysing the post war scenario. Darfur is graver than what Iraq is or was. However, Darfur is not an inflection point for the world hence less attraction.
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