Friday, December 22, 2006

Mr. Four Eyes

It’s official, ladies and gentlemen. Yours truly has joined the LXG – the League of Xtra-ocular Gentlemen (he he). Yup, I finally donned my first medicated pair of specs today, after years of balking at the prospect. Looked real debonair in ‘em too (who wouldn’t, framed in Gucci?). ‘Taking a while adjusting to the new ‘visuals’, though – I’m finding it hard to resist the urge to squint, for instance. But things are ‘looking’ pretty good. Makes me wonder why I hadn’t tried this a long time ago... ‘Guess I didn’t wanna get dubbed “Mr. Four-Eyes”. Funny thing. My sister's started calling me that already.

PS: Season’s Greetings, everyone! Celebrate the Reason for the Season – then dig into the venison!

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Rally to Ratify Rape in Pakistan

Something shameless, chauvinistic, and sh*tty happened last Sunday, Dec. 10. Protesters numbering 8000 according to some estimates marched out to denounce the Women Protection Bill, which was passed into law to prevent the injustices usually meted out on women during the prosecution of rape cases in Pakistan. There, until presently, these cases were handled in accordance with the Hudood Ordinances, a set of legislations instituted in 1979 by a military ruler and with absolutely no origins from Islamic dictate. Under these frankly ludicrous rules, a rape victim had either to produce four male witnesses to prove the crime, or face the incredulous possibility of prosecution for adultery. As a result, Pakistani women are inveterately violated without defence, and the defaulters saunter out their cells "with a cigar and a smile", so to speak. Such was what happened in March '05, when five of the men who raped Ms. Mukhtar Mai were acquitted and one of the village elders who ordered the rape had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment.

Now, what in the world justifies the rape of a woman as punishment for another relative's indiscretions! What surah in which version of the Qu'ran deems it right – make that righteous – to violate a vessel of Allah for the iniquities of another just because this vessel happens to be female? Which of the female protesters from that Sunday march would volunteer for a gang-rape by their male counterparts before suffering the double indignity of incarceration because she could not produce 4 witnesses? And how in the heck is a rape victim under the blur of sexual assault and psychological (never mind physical) prostration supposed to ensure that ONE witness, let alone 4 male witnesses, is on stand-by while the outrage is going on! Even if such an improbability were possible, how many men in witness of a rape would accede to testify, especially where the likelihood is they were hardly 'passive observers' themselves? Hell, that scenario only features in jail showers when some rookie convict makes the damnest error and drops the soap!

Yeah, something real sh*tty happened that Sunday, and quite sadly, there are no indicators that these bigoted bandwagon marches, which are steadily incubating a culture of crime in the name of religion, may not happen again. Isn't there a saying that those who forget their history are more likely to repeat it?

Friday, December 08, 2006

To Blair Is Human...

Why would a man beg forgiveness for a crime he did not commit? The man is British PM Tony Blair. The crime is the dastardly slave trade, an egregious practice that spanned between the 13th and 20th century, equated in cruelty only by the Holocaust and certainly unparalleled in its duration of racial subjugation. But as they say, the past is the past. The erring governments have since mended their ways, the victims are long dead, and their descendants now enjoy the full rights of citizenship in these formerly oppressive countries. So why dredge up this frankly forgettable issue from the backwaters of history?

Perhaps the overbearing reason is that, unlike those who pioneered the abolition of slavery, the rest opted to accept it, not to eradicate an injustice, but merely to save face, and would otherwise have voted to jolly well continue reaping the cushy conveniences that black servitude offered. And while the shame has been forgotten, this demeaning mindset has persisted and can still be perceived when races interrelate. Africans are still prejudicially associated with all brawns and no brains, supremacist political parties are allowed legitimacy in European states, and western-sourced loans are stringed with quartets of caveats, each structured to perpetuate rather than truncate dependency. Meanwhile, these governments who are especially swift to slam sanctions on nations that flout fundamental human rights maintain excellent diplomatic ties with Arab emirates and sultanates where traffic in forced labour is still being practised. Even more worrisome is that the bile of this trend has permeated injuriously into black societies in these countries, where products of biracial relationships, or mulattos, are maligned and systematically ostracised.

This is not to deny Africa’s share in the blame, nor does it turn a blind eye to genuine efforts by the West to ‘do the right thing’. But the question remains what is the right thing, and what it certainly ISN’T is brushing the "blighted bugger" under the carpet with a blanket apology every half century or so. Something more concrete than verbal contrition is required, more dignified than a donation is necessary to repose such recollections of history more comfortably in the Western consciousness. Maybe a Mea Culpa Park of sculpted monuments should be dedicated in the capitals of affected African countries by the Western nations that participated, jointly funded between themselves. Maybe a return of pilfered African artefacts should be included in the symbolic reparation. Maybe Tony Blair should marry Condoleezza Rice - after getting divorced first, of course. This floor is open to suggestions...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

AIDS March '06!

It was December 1, World AIDS Day, and boy, what a jamboree it was here in the Canaan City! That’s another name for my town, Calabar, and it was definitely outpouring with the proverbial milk and honey of human kindness for all comers. Live street bands laced the atmosphere with soul-stopping, jazzy music, and the Governor joined in the fun walk to the Millennium Park, wife in tow, to mark the pertinence of the day and declare the Christmas Season open. The crowd of participants was mammoth and mesmerising in its assortment of coloured T-shirts, with slogans like, “Stay Protected – Abstain!” and “ Stamp Out HIV/AIDS” screaming off 'em. The jubilant swarm also carried banners along to indicate what organisations they delegated – and of course, condoms and congeniality were in free flow...